Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bryant Family Fest 2010

Brittany Cambell was performing at Bryant Family Fest 2010, so she hired me to take photos while she and memebers of the Halo dance team performed. Thank goodness they were done with their act before a downpour came through and soaked everything!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well, here is my first car photo shoot. My Father-in law, Jerry Young, is participating in a car show with his church, Park Place, in Bryant, AR. I was so excited when they asked me to take the pictures....then again I am always excited when my work gets to be displayed for the public to view! Jerry is going to take one of the photos and make a large print of it and then make smaller ones and display them around the car. Hopefully the model, Brittany Campbell, will be there as well! I was very happy with the way they all turned out and I hope this brings me closer to making a name for my art! Enjoy!